Precision Nutrition Certified – World Leading in Exercise Nutrition

Good day HSL Hunters,

I am proud to announce that I am now an official certified Precision Nutrition coach. I truly believe that a good coach is always looking for ways to improve what they are doing and not just keep doing the same old, same old. Science evolves and thus we must grow with it. This certification is from the world’s leading organization on exercise nutrition and change psychology. It was absolutely worth the money and the time (months) I invested. I’m happy and feel rewarded to be able to continually learn outside of the formal education system.

At HSL Academy, we take pride in what we do in our coaching and continually educate ourselves to better support our hunters because you are worth it. I look forward to share my knowledge with you as we enter a new year filled with opportunities to make our bodies move, look and feel better!

What are you hunting for? Health and Strength and Longevity.

For the seven steps which I recommend to you to avoid the fad diets and yo-yo dieting see the three-part article series on Nutrition in this Blog page.