My biggest obstacle before starting to work with HSL Fitness was time commitment and my biggest fear was that I would inflame a past injury. The initial assessment confirmed what I already knew but was in denial about. Hussein tailored his sessions to my requirements/level and provided realizable and flexible goals. I am pleased to report that I did reach my goal and surpassed it and reached others. The motivation and education helped me to focus on posture, stretching and core exercises even during my time away from the gym. I learned to take frequent body breaks away from the computer. I feel fitter; I carry less weight around the belly which allows me to wear my favourite regular-fit, rather than relaxed-fit, jeans again!

My biggest obstacle before starting to work with HSL Fitness was time commitment and my biggest fear was that I would inflame a past injury. I also thought I needed to achieve a basic level of fitness prior to starting. My initial goal was to tone my torso and core within 8 weeks. I am pleased to report that I did reach my goal and surpassed it by reaching others. The initial assessment that Hussein did was helpful as a foundation – it confirmed what I already knew but was in denial about. The motivation and education helped me to focus on posture, stretching and core exercises even during my time away from the gym. I learned to take frequent body breaks away from the computer. I feel fitter; I carry less weight around the belly which allows me to wear my favourite regular-fit, rather than relaxed-fit, jeans again!

I am definitely eating better even though I had a fairly good diet before started however, cutting out the toast in the morning made a big difference. I would happily recommend Hussein and his method of training to family and friends. Hussein tailored his sessions to my requirements/level and provided realizable and flexible goals. I felt comfortable that I would not strain or otherwise injure myself during the training or follow-up practice sessions.